The Royal Association of Justices of Western Australia

Western Australian Justices of the Peace – serving our community since 1829
The Royal Association of Justices of Western Australia (Inc.) represents our volunteer Justices of the Peace within Western Australia. We work closely with our members, community and the State Justice Sector, representing all Interests , providing support and promoting opportunities for professional development and social networking which enhance the services provided by our member Justices in their volunteer service to our WA Community.
Justices of the Peace services are free of charge
Your local JP is a Community Volunteer. We ask our WA Community to Please be respectful when contacting a JP for assistance. Some are available to assist upon request. JP signing centres are located throughout the Perth metro an Regional Areas.
When attending a Justice of the Peace for assistance
- Bring photo identification (i.e. Driver’s Licence, Passport, Work ID etc)
- Do not sign anything beforehand.
- Remember to take the original as well as the copy to be certified.
- Let them know in advance if you are unable to make a pre- arranged time.
How we can help you
- Witness signatures on documents
- Certify copies of documents (including email attachments and phone messages)
- Take oaths, declarations, affidavits or affirmations
- Confirm identity
Join us today and become a part of our growing community.
- Instant connections to our growing community of Members.
- Personalised Merchandise
- Access to a growing library of Professional Development courses
- … and much more!