We have branches across Western Australia. Some are large, some smaller, depending on their location. All welcome new and experienced JPs to join them. Most branches run police on-call and courthouse rosters, together with rosters for signing centres that may be located in libraries, council or shire offices, Citizen’s Advice Bureau offices and other convenient locations for public and government agency access. Branches also provide mentoring and collegiality within and outside of branch meetings. Some larger branches often provide guest speakers at their meetings. 

President: Harvey Waddell JP 0418 931 665

Armadale/South East Districts
President: David Carbonell JP 0419 044 063

 Brand and Districts
President: Ronald Fredrick Hiscock 0427 666 698
Email: brandanddistrictsrajwa@gmail.com 

Central Coastal
President: Sue Campbell JP 0430 103 188

Central Wheatbelt
President: Rick Sullivan JP  0432 180 793

President: Brett Thorp JP 0408 934 372


President: John Paul Leone JP 0427 955 350
Email: secretary.jwb@gmail.com 

President: Julie Coxall JP 0437 887 355

President: Pauline Forrester JP 0417 939 462

Perth City
President: Ferdi Ferrante JP 0419 282 999

President: Shaun Burgess JP 0414 566 060

President: Malcolm Collier JP 0430 436 836

President: Adam Parsons JP 0407 424 042